Wednesday, March 21, 2007

It happened again!

After a full night's sleep (from just after 10 pm to just before 7am with only one little grumpy period around 3:30am that was resolved in about 5 minutes), Thomas was awake and alert enough to have lots of fun playing with his tongue this morning. We've been practicing sticking out tongues out at each other and having a blast with it. All I have to do now if he gets grumpy is stick my tongue out at him and he starts giggling. If only it would stay this easy!

Tuesday, March 20, 2007

Celebrity visitors bring out the paparazzi

Thomas and his grandfather do their best to make sure that they match, just in case the darn paparazzi come around and snap some pictures. Good thing, too.

Here's where we decided to turn our couch into a living-room version of one of those clown cars in the circus. Four adults and three children later, we decided that we'd filled it as full as it should go. Of course the kids are all mixed up and staring off into random directions, but considering how energetic they are, it's a miracle we got them to stay still long enough to take a shot of them.

Monday, March 12, 2007

Lack of sleep

I've been lax in the taking and posting of pictures lately. I'm blaming the lack of sleep. Tommy's couple of nights of sleeping through were just a teaser. It is over.

I was amused by his toes a couple of days ago.

This is just another random picture to satisfy the grandparents in their need for more pictures.

Monday, March 5, 2007

Evil genius

Granted, most evil geniuses prefer to sit and pet hairless cats, but a blue stuffed whale is a good start. Maybe he'll move to sharks with lazers on their heads next. You just never know...
(I missed the truly evil genius look as I was running for the camera, but this one isn't bad)

Thursday, March 1, 2007


This is the face of a boy who can sleep through the night! (10pm to 6:30am)

And here's a great shot of his chubby little legs, but his body is still fairly lean.