Update #1: March photos.
Fun with spaghetti.
Tommy learned how to suck up spaghetti strands. An important life skill.
No, this is my chair. Get your own.
Thomas has claimed the leather recliner as his own. Apparenty Daddy gets to sit on the foam SpiderMan chair from here on out...
Monkey in the middle.
Tommy was still learning the finer points of playing ball. Here he is chasing the ball between Grampy Lloyd and Grammy Mary.
Easter Bunny.
Tommy got a bunny towel from Grandma for Easter. Here he is proudly showing it off.
Books are great, but I'm not giving you my cane.
Thomas is of the opinion that everything belongs to him and is there for his amusement. Even Grampy's cane which Thomas snatched out of his hands and ran away with. He was immune to Grammy's bribery attempts.
Stay tuned for update #2 - April.